Warm Nylon Dog Harness-Jacket for Dog
Don’t let the weather influence you, your life, mood and the life of your fluffy pet. You get used to have long walks but rainy weather stops you? Pay attention to weather-resistant nylon dog harness jacket that is a perfect choice for every season! The quality of the product is beyond any doubt because only the best materials are used for the production of this nylon dog coat. The fabric used is water- windproof, acts like heat accumulator and is very easy in service.
It covers the body from the withers to the tail so your pet will feel warm even in frosty weather! It is very soft to the touch and very light. Wearing this coat your dog won’t feel any discomfort and will be able to move freely without any restriction. It is easy to put on or off because it is equipped with Velcro closure. You can securely fix the gear under your pet's belly and yuor canine will be unable to remove it or slip off it. The fabric will repeat your dog’s body motions.
Nylon Dog Harness Coat for Wintertime -
Dog Coat Jacket Nylon Lightweight With Touch Fastener
Worth buying this Dog Coat because: - it is made of resistant to bad weather conditions materials
- it keeps your dog warm
- it has a stand-up collar
- it has special hook-and-loop fasteners
- it repeats the contours of the dog’s body
- leash attachment is possible
| Inteded use of this Dog Harness: - winters and cold weather walks
- obedience training
- vet visit
Sizes available: - xsmall
- small
- medium
- large
- xlarge
- xxlarge
- xxxlarge
- xxxxlarge
| Available colors: - red back part, grey side parts, black edging
Due to the presence of several colors the beauty of your Dog’s fur will be underlined. The bright red back and grey side parts perfectly match any color of Dog, whether he is black, brown or black-&-white.
The coat is made with Velcro. Such fastener is very quick, reliable and easy in use. The are 2 places where you should fasten the coat to make it fit tightly: chest and ribs areas.
Leash attachment. You can attach the leash to the dog collar through a special hole made in the upper part of the coat. Stand-up collar. If a strong wind is blowing or it is raining or it is very cold you can put up the collar which will help to warm your dog’s nape.
Please note:
- do measure your dog properly if you want to get the best fit coat for him;
- do not leave the coat on your dog when hot to avoid heat shock.